Since I am writing a post on this spiritual and calming stone, I thought it would be fitting for me to grab a piece from my collection, lending its beautiful energy to me, as I blog on this most sacred of stones. In fact Amethyst is a stone that has resonated with my for as long as I can remember, and as such, when I encounter a beautiful piece of this stone, at a reasonable price, I tend to pick it up. According to Scott Cunnigham you should never barter for your metaphysical tools. I have always kept that in mind when I am on the hunt for spiritual items.
Amethyst is the first gem I obtained. And it is my most treasured piece of rock within my collection. I can't even remember how this piece found me, but it has brought me a multitude of healing, and I will treasure it until the day that I depart from this plane. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I bring you this write up on the history, lore, and metaphysical uses of this highly prized stone dating back into ancient times.
* Amethyst is a form of quartz colored by different amounts of iron and aluminum
* Amethyst is derived from the ancient Greek work meaning not drunk. According to Greek myth:
Bacchus (the god of wine) was angry because of a slight against him and swore revenge. He announced that the first mortal to come cross his path would be eaten by tigers. Just at that moment along came the lovely maiden Amethyst, on her way to worship at the shrine of the goddess Diana. Diana saw what was happening and transformed Amethyst into stone to rescue her from a violent death. When Bacchus viewed the miracle, he repented and poured wine over the stone, staining it purple. This is the legendary creation of the gemstone amethyst.
Sync Connection~ The Goddess Diana recently showed up on my Tarot Blog in a daily card reading when she showed up in Major Arcana 14 (Art in the Thoth deck)
* Ancient Greeks drank wine from cups of Amethyst in order to prevent intoxication
* Catholics place this stone in the ring of the Bishop. The Catholic Encyclopedia entry on Amethyst is as follows:
AMETHYST, Hebrew ahlmh; Septuagint amethystos, also Apocalypse 21:20, where it is the twelfth and last stone of the foundation of the New Jerusalem. It is the third stone in the third row of the rational, representing the tribe of Issachar (Exodus 28:19; 39:12); the Septuagint enumerates it among the riches of the King of Tyre (Ezekiel 28:13). The Greek name alludes to the popular belief that the amethyst was a preventive of intoxication; hence beakers were made of amethyst for carousals, and inveterate drinkers wore amulets made of it to counteract the action of wine. Abenesra and Kimchi explain the Hebrew ahlmh in an analogous manner, deriving it from hlm, to dream; hlm in its first meaning signifies "to be hard" (Fürst, Hebr. Handwörterbuch). We have no reason to doubt the accuracy of the translation since we find a general agreement among the various versions; Josephus (Ant. Jud., III, vii, 6) also has "amethyst"; the Targum of Onkelos and the Syriac Version have "calf's eye", indicating the colour. The amethyst is a brilliant transparent stone of a purple colour resembling that of diluted wine and varying in shade from the violet purple to rose. There are two kinds of amethysts: the oriental amethyst, a species of sapphire, is very hard (cf. Heb., hlm), and when colourless can hardly be distinguished from the diamond; the occidental amethyst is of the silex family, hence different in composition from the oriental stone. But the identity of names is accounted for by the identity of colour. The occidental amethyst is easily engraved. It is found of various sizes. Its shape is different from the round pebble to the hexagonal, pyramid-capped crystal.
* In the Bible Amethyst is also one of the stones that makes up the breast plate of the high priest Aaron. These same stones are referenced above as part of the foundation fro the New Jerusalem.
* Amethyst has been used in royal crowns and sceptres
* I have read that Amethyst is aiding to usher in the Age of Aquarius
Sync Connection~ The Age of Aquarius is referenced in my poem Le Soleil
* The Egyptian Book of the Dead gives instructions for placing a heart shaped piece of Amethyst inside the body of the deceased
* Chaldean Magi believed Amethyst protected against evil sorcery bringing success and good luck
Metaphysical Properties~ Amethyst
Adopted for Scott Cunningham's Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic
Energy: Receptive
Planets: Jupiter and Neptune
Element: Water
Deities: Bacchus and Diana
Stone of Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, and Capricorn
* Amethyst under your pillow drives off insomnia and nightmares. Ensuring a peaceful sleep and prophetic dreams
* A spiritual stone of piece and wisdom that opens the third eye and crown chakra
* Great for all dream work (lucid dreams and astral projection)
* Helps overcome addictions
* Calms emotional storms
* Lends courage to the wearer also reducing emotional stress
* Powerful amulet for travellers
* Keep with divinatory tools to heighten their inner energy
* Rub on your head to relive headaches
* Sharpens the conscious mind (quickens wit and enhances mental powers)
* Keeps thoughts in line with life goals
* Brings fairness in lawsuits and success in business
* Guards against negative thoughts
* Transmutational energies help to open gateways to intense transformational energies
* Purifies blood and strengthens the immune system
* Clears the Chakras
* Prevents against theft
* Used to attract love and happiness