Thursday, August 9, 2012

Clearing and Cleaning Crystals

This blog has really re-connected me with my tools for Feng Shui, my main one being crystals.  So, I intuitively knew that it was time to clean my crystals (a task best suited for when the moon is full), and for the past few days I have been cleaning and re-organizing my collection.

~Some Crystal Uses

*Based on the various metaphysical properties of crystals, place one under your pillow at night according to your needs

*Place protective crystals in the windows of your home

*Wear them on your body, as jewelry

*Meditate with your crystals

*Place them in bowls around your home

*Place them in your car for protection

*Place Citrine around electronic equipment to ensure smooth operation

*Place crystals on your desk to enhance focus, creativity, concentration, etc. (select crystals according to your needs)

*Carry crystals on you to receive the benefits of their energy

*Use a crystal as your Pendulum

*Look at and work with your crystals daily for their healing benefits and to enhance your life

*Place your crystals in a Crystal Grid
If you are a crystal owner then it is important to note that cleaning and re-energizing your crystals is essential.  Crystals are storehouses for energy (both positive and negative) and so they need to be cleaned and cleared regularly.  Whenever you purchase a new crystal, the first step is to clean and clear it of any previous energy.  Enabling it to then align to you as its new owner.  When cleansing use you intuition on what method will work best for the stone, and for how long you need to employ one of the following techniques.

~Crystal Cleansing Methods

*  Running a crystal under running tap water or in a clean body of water. 
*  Soaking the crystal in spring water and sea salt
Please note that not all crystals should be placed in water.  As a general rule most crystals ending in
-ite (i.e. angelite, kyanite) should not be soaked in water

*  After running a crystal under a water source, place it in the sun for several hours

*  Passing the crystal through a Sage Smudge (cleanse the object as if you are clearing a room)

*  Placing the crystal in sage leaves

*Placing the crystal in the light of the full moon

*Burying the crystal in dirt

~An important side-note, I will begin posting on the  metaphysical uses of the stones, starting with my absolute favorite, Amethyst (the first gemstone to find me!). Stay tuned... ~JYN

Until then happy cleansing and clearing!

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